Voted Atlanta's Best

Start up


  • 20 photos.

  • Photographer will attend event between the hours of 12:00 am - 2:00 am for no more than 30 minutes or until they have completed their shot list.

  • Social Media marketing through Oh Snap Kid’s Facebook and Instagram.

  • Event page hosted on OSK

  • *** This option is only available if another event is being shot by OSK within a 1 mile radius on the same night.



  • 2 hours of service minimum.

  • 100 photo minimum.

  • Social Media marketing through Oh Snap Kid’s Facebook and Instagram.

  • Event page hosted on OSK

  • Recurring nights will be given an event landing page for their brand and promotion. >>Example<<


$500 - 60 sec recap video. 2 hours of service.

$600 - Photo booth. 4 hours of service. Instant Social Media Push. 1 operator.

$750 - Photo booth. 4 hours of service. Instant Social Media Push. 1 operator. Unlimited Prints.

$100 - Large Ad space in emailer (1 available)
$50 - Small Ad space in emailer (3 available)

$150 - Ad space on Website Main page 1 month.
$100 - Ad space on Website Gallery summary page 1 month.
$100 - Ad space on Website Blog summary page 1 month.
$ 50 - Ad space on Website Blog posts.